Black and White with a twist!
This was a real lesson for me in "contrast."
Landscape admittedly not much color...

...and in black and white....

Flowers and plants.
Trillium in color

...and in black and white.

Do fungi count as "plants"? I hope so because this, I think, is the best of the bunch.
In color...

...and in black and white... 

I really like your landscape in B&W. Your eye is drawn to the light, instead of the dark ominous cloud.
(The other two look great, too)
that landscape is lovely
the house looks so vulnerable to those clouds
Great Photos! love the landscape!
Interesting comparisons from color to B&W.
The landscape came alive in B&W, I too took pictures of fungi this week.
Very nice shots..:-)
I liked that you showed the before and after. Very nice!
Very nice Shots! Nice to see both the versions. The landscape is really good!
I also love seeing the color and B & W versions of your lovely photos. Love how the B & W adds to the dramatic effect of the approaching storm cloud.
Nice job. I have to say, I think I prefer them in colour. :o)
Love the effect of seeing the colour version against the black & white one. Excellent shots!
Nice shots. I like the fungi, too!
Nice pics! I like the way you compared color to B&W, The shot of the house turns so moody in a cool way.
Awesome!! I didn't think to post the original color pics.
I love the landscape makes the photo have a very classic feel to it!
The B&W really woke up that landscape photo! VERY nice!
Great idea to post in color and b and w.. nicely done!! I like the fungi! :)
Love the landscape in b&w - reminds me of the scent in Wizard of Oz.
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