Ponder this:

Sunday, March 15, 2009


I have always enjoyed my own company, to the point that I could easily become a recluse. The necessity of having to go out among other people to earn a living saves me from my proclivity for a completely hermitical existence.

In addition to the financial incentive, there is the Get Me Away From My Pets factor.

I love them; I love them.

But the two small poodles, whom I acquired in their adorable tiny, weak, chrysanthemum-headed puppyhood, have somehow learned the value of a persistent

bark................................. bark.................................. bark

It is an aural equivalent of Chinese water torture.
I don't know who taught them that: Surely it was not I.
Someone must have come into my home during my absence (if I had been at home, all hermity, I would have barred the door) and trained them to interrupt any activity at regular one-minute intervals. Like circus poodles doing syncopated jumps on and off trotting ponies, they can even do the

bark.................................. bark.................................... bark

in alternating rhythm, like a round of Row Row Row Your Boat, so that the interval is diminished from one minute to thirty seconds.

Or less.

If you knew how many times, just during the writing of this small piece, I have been required to inquire as to their needs, to cajole them to ..."get up here!" ...to "eat that!" ...to "go out!" ...to "come inside!" without losing my temper and twisting their noisy tiny heads from their bouncy little bodies, you would more greatly appreciate the fact that some of these words are strung together in a way that makes any sense at all, never mind that I'm half a week late with a "Wednesday" post.

These three factors...
  1. need for lucre, filthy or not
  2. one poodle
  3. the other poodle

...account for the reality than I am at this time in my life unable to pursue my natural inclination for a life in solitude.

I might soon look into investing in a sensory deprivation tank as the only means to save what is left of my sanity. Maybe it would help get rid of this pesky twitch, too.

Thanks to 3-Word Wednesday for the goad resulting in the creation of this vent.


Carolynn Anctil said...

I hear your pain, if not the barking. I'm one who could easily become a hermit, as well. I enjoy my own company, too, however, I chose a cat and a rabbit to share in my solitude. Much quieter companions.

I apprenticed as a dog trainer for a while a few years back. Perhaps I can offer some assistance that doesn't involve electric collars or wringing tiny necks. ;o)

If you want to e-mail me, I can give you a bunch of suggestions to try that may alleviate the problem.



Carolynn Anctil said...

P.S. I'm having a Giveaway over at my place. Swing by and join in the fun!

Thom Gabrukiewicz said...

Great, honest post. Thanks for playing.