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Monday, April 30, 2012

Random bits

This evening, I will be taking notes for a planning meeting, recording the bits of wisdom that fall from the volunteer members' lips. It's a lot like following the poodles around, picking up items that fall behind them.

Would you live in a glass house? I might, provided there were no human neighbors and no drafts.

When the question arises of whether or not "the arts" are important to our society, I hope I remember this: The Arts in Health Care.


DJan said...

I remember when I was a kid seeing a show on TV that said we would all live in glass houses by the year 2000. Didn't happen and I'm rather happy about that! :-)

Hilary said...

Glass houses. We'd have to get dressed in the basement..

Rebecca said...

Oh, boy! That first one is a doozie!

esbboston said...

It hailed last night, so I am glad my house is only partiaLLy glass. I have not ventured out just yet to see the damage. From a distance the grape vines stiLL stand, but more importantly, are there baby grapesies?

Tracy said...

I don't think I would...the 'glass' is too revealing for me!

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

I'm not tidy enough to live in a glass house and just think of all that window cleaning .
But the Art Therapy ? .... Brilliant !! A nephew is a music therapist with mentally handicapped young adults and both he and they achieve so much and enjoy it all .

June said...

I'd live in a glass house. I've decided. I'd need some opaque cupboards so my messy canned goods wouldn't be on display. As for the fear of someone seeing my naked body . . . if they're lookin', they deserve what they get.