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Monday, September 23, 2013

Husband's talent or: One of a kind

Ever since I met him, Husband wanted to work with wood. 
Five years ago, give or take, he began to equip his wood shop 
and now he's turning out tables.
Here's the latest one, made for a friend. 

I think it's wonderful that he's finally doing 
what he's wanted to do for all these years.

Since it's work done from his heart, 
the result is beautiful.

When he started, making dovetails was so frustrating. 
Now he's got 'em down pretty well, I'd say.

The pattern in the wood that he used for these drawer fronts 
started out as a mistake.
He didn't know that this pretty grain was 
inside a piece of wood he'd been working with. 
He sawed it in half, et voila! there it was. 
To me, it looks like sand dunes . . . or cloud layers.
Something to catch the eye instead of just a plain drawer front.

If you were here, he'd show you every place where there's a mistake.
I keep telling him not to do that.
But . . . maybe in years to come, the "mistakes" in his work will be 
the hallmarks by which the pieces are identified.

These tables will outlast all of us.
I'm so proud.


DJan said...

It's wonderful that your hubby is doing something so beautiful and that he enjoys so much. Thank you for sharing it with me! :-)

Nicky Abram said...

Such a beautiful table! Can we order one? :)

Carolynn Anctil said...

Oh my gawd! That's beautiful! I love woodwork and anything handmade like this is absolutely fabulous. He's done an amazing job. As many professional artists I've worked with will tell you, 'only the Creator is perfect' and if there are no 'flaws' in their work, they'll add some. As I used to tell my clients, those slight imperfections are the hand of the artist. You want those to be there. He should be very proud of his workmanship.


Olga said...

That is just wonderful. I would have thought the drawer fronts were the inspiration for the piece. It is wonderful as well that your husband is following a passion and creating with love.

the veg artist said...

That piece is beautiful as well as very clever. This is obviously something that he should be doing. It's a pity that many people only get the opportunity to develop their talents later in life, when time and money allow, but better late than never. Really looking forward to seeing more pieces.

Joanne Noragon said...

Well done, from the daughter and sister of craftsmen. My brother would give those dovetails a great passing grade.

Rose ~ from Oz said...

Coming from a long line of carpenters and cabinet-makers I so appreciate Husbands work. I'm intrigued by the wood! an ash of some kind? It has hints of a few different varieties.
The dovetails are brilliant!
I look forward to you showcasing more of his work June! How about a shot of his workshop!?

June said...

Thanks, all of you. I'm so pleased that you are as impressed as I am.

Rose, it's oak. I don't know what variety of oak, but it's oak.

Barb said...

The grain of the wood and his workmanship are incredible. Why do we do that - point out our mistakes? Tell him to be thankful for such a gift - and to say thank you when he receives well-deserved praise. (This is a lesson I'm still learning, so I'm sharing it.)

Saku said...

What a lovely table! I especially appreciate the pattern in the wood on the drawer fronts. It's certainly a one of a kind piece, that anyone would be proud to own.

Your husband has a real talent!

Tom said...

I've crafted a couple of tables in my day, and so I know . . .this is a good one!

Tom said...

I've crafted a couple of tables in my day, and so I know . . .this is a good one!

Dr. Kathy McCoy said...

That table is beautiful! It's so wonderful that your husband is doing something he loves -- and he has real talent!

Linda Myers said...

How cool that he's taken up something he loves to do.

The Cranky Crone, she lives alone! said...

How wonderful that you are so appreciative, and want to show us his work, that's just wonderful as much as his wonderful work, he certainly has the talent for it, must have taken much tenacity and love to teach himself.
So nice to hear of a couple that are supportive of one another. My husband built me a beautiful food larder cupboard, when I look at it it makes me smile knowing how much he put into making it for me, bless him.

threecollie said...

Gorgeous! What wonderful use of the wood!

esbboston said...

Beautiful work!

I have just recently started acquiring my DeWalt herd and building arranging and instaLLing, but nothing nearly as pretty as this, aLL of my work has been utilitarian.

Pam said...

That's so lovely! Something... if this is not too gloomy... to leave behind (eventually) that someone else will enjoy long into the future.

Hilary said...

Oh June, he does such fine work. He must be enormously proud. And so must you.

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rachel said...

No wonder you're proud - this is lovely craftsmanship, and it sings from the heart.

Joan said...

I would be proud and happy to have something so lovely in my home. Bravo!

acr said...

Very stunning work!!

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

A really beautiful piece ! He's a real craftsmam .

Vicki Lane said...

A work of art! My husband is also a woodworker and our house is full of his work. So satisfying to see. And he too will point out where something isn't quite right -- just as I have tried to learn not to do with my quilts and my cooking.

Sally Wessely said...

This table is truly a work of art and of the heart. Thanks for sharing.

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

What a gorgeous piece of woodwork and yes it shows his passion for the craft!
Thanks for sharing :)

Pauline said...

Such beautiful craftsmanship. Loving what you do always shines in what you produce.

Unknown said...

"Aging Gracefully" has been included in the A Sunday Drive for this week. Be assured that I hope this helps to point many new visitors in your direction.


Terra said...

The table is a treasure and your hubby really showcases the beautiful grains and flowing patterns of the wood.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous. It takes the heart of an artist to showcase the grain in such a beautiful way.

Jenny Woolf said...

Really beautiful! I came here from Jerry's blog, and I am glad I had the chance to see these beautiful tables. Wish even more I could make such things myself....

Hilary said...

Thinking of you and hoping that all is well with you and yours.