I found these at the base of the maple tree in the front yard. They look a little bit like some kind of clover, with puffy balloon-like petals.
I'd never seen them before.
Wandering around with a camera, I see things that hitherto never existed in my world.
I'm so happy that I got the picture righter than I might have (reading the manual, fiddling around, reading, fiddling) that I'm tacking it onto Sunday Stills for this week.
Coming back to add . . . I wonder if anybody noticed the Angus poodle-nose on the right.
Very pretty...could it be crown vetch maybe?
Yes, I was going to suggest some kind of vetch too. Lovely!
It's true about seeing more with a camera in hand. I haven't been taking many photos lately. I've been focusing inward lately and looking after my kidlets.
beautiful design and composition. It looks like the larger flowers are peeking up and out into the sunshine. And fancy having vetch growing!
Well, look at that! It is crown vetch, isn't it? I wonder where it came from! I'll leave it alone; it's happier there than anything we've tried to grow near the maple tree!
I agree, very nice, indeed.
Beautiful and yes it is crown vetch
A beautiful shot ! I think this camera is going to open a whole new world for you !
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