The thing about tramping around taking pictures of fences is that I was photographing people's private property. I'm very appreciative of my neighbors' cordiality.
V and her husband live in a wonderful Greek Revival farmhouse over on the other side of the top of this hill. For a long time, their house was The House Where Nobody Lived. Every week for a year or more, Husband and I would drive by on the way to work and notice improvements: fences were repaired, new fencing installed, the barns got painted, and the house came back from the dead . . . but there was never anybody around.
They actually have been living there for several years now, but it wasn't until a foggy early Saturday morning, when I explained why I was walking up and down their fencerows taking pictures, that I made their acquaintance. V came out on the porch with her hands covered in cinnamon bun dough to chat briefly with me about some other great fences I might include.
Good people not to think I was a madwoman, or at least to refrain from saying as much.
I love this one....
The sheep greeted me loudly and watched curiously for a few minutes, and then returned to the business of breakfast.
How peaceful to listen to sheep grazing while I fiddled with the camera!
Down the road, a labyrinth of pristine paddock fencing...
Fences aren't always made of wood or metal or stone;
these little trees will grow into an impervious green wall.
A pretty antique fence serving as a garden accent...
This one won't keep anything in or out, but it is a poetic stanza of fencing...
A fence corraling some lush greenery...
A little final resting place for beloved pets...
Check out others' links at Sunday Stills to see more pictures of fences of every description.
luckily i didn't have to worry about stepping onto other peoples property to get my fence photos, i stuck to staying at home ..but from the looks of your photos i should have gotten out, wow!
they are all really good
Fences+(4) is incredibly errie but beautiful
looks cold there also, was it(?)
What a great collection of fences! I love the variety you brought into this post! :D
That are a lot of fences! I particularly like the first two because of the beautiful light. Great shots.
Wow, you found some fantastic fences! Nice shots!
These are all lovely. I especially like the first one - beautiful composition and light - the last one, which does indeed look peaceful. Thanks for sharing.
On a coffee-less aside, I hit "reject" on your so nice comment on my post (was wanting to hit "moderate" right below). If you'd like to re-post it, I would be thrilled. At very least, I wanted you to know why you were rejected. I'm headed to the kitchen for coffee now. Sigh.
You captured many interesting types of fencing...enjoyed your photos.
I've been trying to choose my favorites, but why do I bother? I love them all ! ( Well, okay, the first is my fav..............I think) :)
You truly DO have an artist's eye, Nell !
Very nice collection of fences, I must say! I love how you used black and white for the old iron fence, too.
Those cement cylinders are becoming the rage here and I'm surprised to see they are used in other places, too. They are interesting.
I like that tree fence the best I think.
Great job!
Beautiful photos! I love old, rickety fences and barns. I have a craving for cinnamon buns...:oÞ
A great selection of fences, but I love the one with the mist and the clouds!
I know what you mean about taking photos of peoples property - especially fences as they are usually (in the city anyway) for privacy!
I do like the intersting 3rd last one - but the white corral fencing is great. Your eye just wants to run along it.
Just got back from vacation. Went to Canada this time will be posting in next few days. Love your post about fences. I did one on fences a while back. Just something about them. Thanks Joe Todd
These are all lovely, and some of them new to the cement cylinders, unique! The charming old garden fencing is my favorite, quite evocative of times past. Good job!
I was quite taken with the third photo of the Sheep fence..excellent! The cement cylinders I have never heard of or seen before..we live in the sticks. Great series of the many fences that you found! :)
Nice post - pictures of fences ..Keep Posting
pictures of fences
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