Nothing has changed. Max is still old and feeble, I'm still fat. It's still gray and dark outdoors.
But still, I feel different.
Somebody asked me yesterday if I believed in God. First, I answered with the Correct AA answer: I believe in my Higher Power. Then I said, raising my arms to indicate the cosmos, "I believe in Something, some Plan." I don't need or care to delve into it any more deeply than that. I'm content for it to be Solstice or The Nativity or whatever.
It feels so good.

June, I love your sentiment. What could be a greater gift than peace within! My best to you and your husband during this special time!
May the rest of the year be filled with peace and contentment for you.
Merry Christmas to you both, see you on the other side.
Nothing better than the feeling of contentment in just... Being.
Good Wishes for the New Year, June.
I agree that peace doesn't come from any place except a calmness within my heart. I am so glad you have that going on right now, and I wish it could continue forever. Thanks for the lovely post and happy, happy holidays.
Exactly :)
430am? Goodness. Well, it's Christmas day here already, 1235 to be exact. Have a lovely, peaceful holiday season, June x
Its nice to have a personal peace plan that is just the right sized piece. I try very hard to avoid those kind of questions when people ask me belief questions. I hope your day has great joy.
Merry Christmas and may peace bring you joy!
Nice ... thanks for the Christmas message.
Have a wonderful and peaceful holiday time. I love the PEACE and may print it out to stick on my wall. :-)
Living one day at a time,enjoying one moment at a time,and accepting hardship as a pathway to peace. Merry Christmas
Ah, peace!
May it remain with you.
I have to get some milk, nonfat, half and half, some cat treats and cat food and some fish for our dinner tonight after a movie I think we will see Tintin or maybe War Horse they are available to be seen here...We think the holidays are all year long when many hunger for peace, food, shelter, deliverance from mental and alcohol and drug dependency..In the greatest country in to me just my opinion the whole wide world, why can't people just get along and be kind, loving and peaceful to others..we celebrate Hanukkah a tiny bit, no christmas just another cold, dry day to us, we see our only child next week near New Year's Eve and are thrilled beyond beyond she lives over 4,000 miles from us, we talk each day though, one can only radiate love and peace from one's soul and all the rushing around for this and that doesn't make a sould peaceful and happy and joyful..I remember John Lennon and all the Beatles, Give peace a chance was a good tune, as all their others, we are on this terrestrial for a short short while why not be nice and not naughty and give PEACE a chance each and everyday..peace out to you and youse, enjoy your blog a lot, you seem to know what peace and love is all about, ciao.....
Perfectly expressed. Embrace.
One of my all-time favourite quotes.
The first paragraph could have been written about The Frenchman and me. Trade Max for Celine and the rest is identical.
Happy, happy!
Great quote. It's time to give peace a chance.
Let's face it, if all it took to find and possess peace was a dying tree in the living room,some lights, and a bunch of gifts, we'd all have it and every religion/philosophy would adopt it.
Peace is not freedom from the storms of life, but courage amid the storms.
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