Husband said, this morning, something about "sailing away," and James Taylor started singing "Riding on a Railroad" in my head. From there I went on, in my head, to other James Taylor songs from my youth. Now I'm stuck in an early '70s James Taylor mood. Dangerous mood, this: I was not a happy young woman. So I'll focus on the videos.
Good lord, was there ever a better-looking man than James Taylor? Maybe my father . . . the proportions of their faces are very similar.
Look at that Sweet Baby James album cover. Those sensitive lips, those deep-set penetrating eyes. The eyelashes! Even the unibrow... He's grooming out those between-the-brows extra hairs now, or maybe that's been a benefit of his general hair loss.
I read a J.T. biography and the author kept referring to his "nasal voice." He doesn't sound nasal to me. He sounds mellow and velvet. 'Ceptin' when he sing blues. Then he soun' dif'rent, mm-hmm...
I don't think there's anything he could sing that wouldn't mesmerize me.
I saw him perform, years ago, in a local historic theater. One of the first comments he made was that it was nice to be playing in a place that was built for the playing of music. As he spoke, he glanced here and there, up to the ceiling. He didn't move his head much, moved not much more than his lips and his eyebrows. With that prominent occipital ridge and nose, and the controlled movement, he has a hawkish look.
As the music grew more lively during the concert, he began to tap his foot and bounce at his knees. His loose trousers hanging and flowing from his butt to his heels...
I would like to see him again in concert, but I'm not sure I can do the concert thing anymore. On the other hand . . . something small and private...