I used to leave my keys in the car overnight. It saved having to dig for them in my purse. And then there came the day that the car locked itself with the keys inside. Husband and I used a pry bar and a chisel to open the corner of the door enough that he could stick a wooden dowel down to the lock button and release it. I began to keep my keys in my purse. It isn't a big purse, but whether it's the weight of the keys or my general rummaging, the keys never are where I expect them to be. I head for the door, think "keys," stop, dig around, go back to the kitchen counter to put down everything in my hands and dig like a maddened squirrel until I find the things. I'm likely to remove items (wallet, checkbook) in order to plumb the depths, and to go on my way, keys in hand, funds on the counter.
Now that the weather's cold overnight and the car's in the barn on a regular basis, I've taken to leaving the car window open and the keys in the cupholder. So handy, and if the car decides to lock itself I can reach in, punch that button, and thwart the vehicle's efforts to keep me out.
As the weather gets even colder I won't want the bitter damp winter wind permeating the upholstery. I might take to throwing the keys on the floor of the barn. I just hate having to dig around for those keys. Every single time I do it, I think maybe this time they've been swallowed up into a fourth dimension and I'll never be able to get into the car or the office again.
Then I would have to stay home all the time.
Maybe I have something there.
I feel your pain. I finally had to make myself put my keys on the table in the foyer each and every time I came back in the house and after a while we got used to it. My purse is like some sort of a swirling vortex or black hole. Who has time for that? Maybe you could train a squirrel to fetch your keys and bring them to you each time. Or you could stay home all the time, that sounds good to me.
I wish I lived where I could do that. Unfortunately life in a big city is different. Several years ago I had my car stolen from a friend's apt complex. It was locked and the keys were in my purse with me but they took it anyway and it was never recovered. Not like the police have time to look for it anyway.
How about a nail in the barn to hang the keys on? Unfortunately, we just locked ourselves out of our car last week - hadn't happened in a long time. My husband was showing me something in the car, I let the keys on the seat to go inside for something, closed the car door, and it locked. Hearing that beep and knowing the car was locked offered a moment of dread that I didn't need! Our plans were lightly altered that day!
Susan...I can't even train my dogs, never mind a squirrel! :-P
LadyH, what a horror that must have been. I trust your insurance covered the loss? But still...if your car is anything like mine, it's like another big purse with a steering wheel. So much else that's gone along with the car!
I did find a nail in the barn, Barb! And the keys hang there as I type!
Keys and glasses are my nemesis too. I have a nail on the wall right next to the garage door and I seem to be able to remember to put them back there. Also I have a valet key in my purse.
You write beautifully about the little things in nature and the world around you. Truly you are living in a place you love.
Thanks, Bernie. I do love it here and I'm glad that it comes through to you.
Wow, you MUST live in a little piece of heaven. I would never dream of leaving my keys in the car for any length of time. I'm one of those people who has a place for everything and everything's in its place. I have an aversion to clutter too, so a while back I bought a pretty box with a hinged lid and I keep it on the counter by the door. My house & car keys go in there every night along with those odds & ends bits of paper or what-have-you that I don't know what to do with or haven't the time to. It's clean, neat, and easy.
Carolynn . . . you know that pretty box? My whole house is my pretty box where I put those odds & ends bits of paper or what-have-you that I don't know what to do with or haven't the time to. :-\
I keep keys in my pocket. Some people lay keys on the flat surface by the back door.
SPARES? Naaaah, to simple.
Thanks Abe. If I always had pockets in my clothing that would work. :-P
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