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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

John Chancellor Makes Me Cry

In addition to avoiding celebrity bios, I'm really not much into non-fiction in general: so much of what I have sampled has been dry and completely without artistic imagery. But I have enjoyed every Anne Rivers Siddons book I've ever read . . . which is to say, all of them except her newest, Burnt Mountain, so I tried her very first published book (of essays), John Chancellor Makes Me Cry. And loved it. I laughed out loud and found phrases and descriptions worthy of underlining on nearly every page. I liked that in a couple of the essays, ARS revealed some pretty disagreeable aspects of her own personality; it isn't everybody who'd do that.

I seem to be in Book Review mode lately, so this is my recommendation for today:
I believe it's out of print, so a used book store or eBay, or, of course, the library, is the way to get it.


DJan said...

Well, dang! A good book and no way to get it except to go browsing in a bookstore. Okay, if you insist... :-)

P.S. I love bookstores!

Barb said...

You're on an absolute reading rampage! Actually, I DO like essays and other nonfiction.

esbboston said...

I just checked Amazon and it appeared to be available there - plus they have the " look inside " feature for this book.

Rubye Jack said...

Well, that's interesting. I see her books all the time. It seems. In the Goodwill, but thought she was one of those flaky romance writers. I will check her out. I need to be reading more if I want to write, but it seems I've been too wired to sit still for long with all my decision making and choices and things coming and going.

Sally Wessely said...

I will put it on my list to look for. It sounds quite interesting.

Cloudia said...

out of print is best!

Aloha from Honolulu

Comfort Spiral

> < } } ( ° >

Mac n' Janet said...

I like her too and was looking forward to her new one, guess I'll have to proceed cautiously.

Bibi said...

I just ordered it at Amazon for $7.00 inc shipping !

Grandmother Mary said...

Thanks for the recommendation. I'm an Anne Rivers Siddons fan.

Olga said...

I have read this book and agree it is worth looking for.