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Friday, October 28, 2011

Winter begins

People in the Northeast always say, 
"I live here because I like the change of seasons."

Looking up the driveway October 10, 2011

Looking up the driveway October 27, 2011

I think, however, that winter could wait a little while longer to begin.


threecollie said...

Tisn't even Halloween yet. I feel cheated. lol

Blipfillypicklepoo said...

Hey, maybe Spring is just around the corner. Stay warm.

DJan said...

Here, it just begins to rain and hardly ever lets up. Those are two very interesting pictures, quite a difference, but maybe the sun will come out and give you some respite from winter. It's early yet...

Olga said...

Looks all too familiar...although the snow yesterday was all to the south of us. A couple of years ago I took a picture of a still green maple in front of a hill in full autumn cover in front of a snow covered mountain. Three seasons showing at once.

Hilary said...

Now I'm grateful that our was just cold rain. Sure does look lovely though.. or at least, it will in a couple of months. ;)

esbboston said...

We had our first snow yesterday but the weather channel was completely wrong in its prediction. So NOW someone who was mildly arguing with me about the "snow" thinks they have won an "argument" when all I was doing was pointing out what the weather channel was "clear-ly"indicating. But it be Texas our first snow never last long, back to another week of 60 and 70's.

The Garden Girl said...

Like your comparison pics!
There will certainly be some chilly trick or treaters for sure! But a new forecast for the NE has them getting a foot of snow or more in certain areas starting Saturday! Snowboarding door to door for Halloween??

Wanda..... said...

That change came quick!

Gardn Of Weedn said...

Oh Good, chowder weather is here! Hope you can stay home with a good book. The first snowfall should be enjoyed from inside.

Linda Myers said...

Wow! What a difference two weeks makes!

Jacqueline Donnelly said...

Don't worry, it won't last. Your photos present quite a contrast!

Muffy's Marks said...

I always love the first good snowfall. It does get a little old in a few month. Hope its the non-shoveling kind this time. Have a great weekend

Tom said...

Holy cow! You must have photoshopped this photo!

esbboston said...

I enjoy your particular quote of the day feature. Where did you find it? I will check the blogger template builder to see if one is available there.

Grandmother Mary said...

I'd have to agree that Oct. 27 seems early for the photo you present. It's turning colder here in Italy but that means temps in the 50's- 60's. Those two scenes seem much more distant than 17 days.

June said...

esbboston, I think this is the place you're looking for:http://www.brainyquote.com/link/index.html

esbboston said...

Thank you very much, I got it put in place!

Dr. Kathy McCoy said...

What a shame that your lovely fall season was cut short! I hear that the temperatures are to be more seasonal this next week. October 27 is way too early for winter weather! (But both photos are beautiful! What a view you have from your driveway!)

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

Does anyone remember Global Warming ?

VM Sehy Photography said...

No kidding. We still have leaves on the ground at least. The temperature here is getting that late fall chill though. I'm hoping snow for us won't show until after Thanksgiving.

#1Nana said...

Wow, we just had our first frost last week. I hope we don't get snow until our traditional December snows.

Murr Brewster said...

Normal, or more global weirding?

Freda said...

Wow! Here in Scotland it is constant rain at the moment and the grass is still growing, however it cannot be cut because it is all spongy and wet.

Rubye Jack said...

This is amazingly crazy--snow already! Since I no longer watch TV, it is a good thing I read blogs. Otherwise, I'd have no idea what is going on elsewhere in the world. (That might be a good thing however.)

The changes within in the month in your neck of the woods are so outstanding! Beautiful photos.

Barb said...

Ahh - isn't it beautiful? I told you I was going to send you some. Enjoy!

Morning Bray Farm said...

I can't get my mind around this! I hope you're all staying warm. We're feeling our first real dip in temperatures today. Boo!

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