What I really liked about the elderly gentleman was that, when I said I was there to pick up my resized rings in the magical hope that once they'd been made larger, I would immediately lose so much weight that I would need to have them made smaller again . . . he said, "Oh, that's the least of your worries."
It was pretty nice being in the company, even for a few minutes, of somebody who had lived long enough to realize that being overweight is not The Worst Thing That A Person Can Let Happen To Her.

Amen to that! If the worse thing in my life is that I'm carrying too much weight then I'm a lucky girl!
I really like the quote of the day! And (within reason) I like the perspective of your jeweler.
Nice quote by Marshall.
You know, it's those kind of little things that make my day.
Nothing beats the meat dress. I read your post. I think it was meaty enough to be here ;)
Yeah, there was a lot of chatter on the internet recently about Lady Gaga and her weight gain, like it was an important topic. On the other hand, since I struggle with weight, I also fixate on my weight over other more important things. I'm not smart enough to take my own advice.
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