I've been up to the attic and have retrieved all my knitting supplies. One sweater finished, many blankets, thumbless mittens and little hats to go. And such cute little simple dresses to make! I haven't yet mentioned it's a little girl, have I? Her mother says she'll be as girly or not-girly as she wants to be. Me, I'll be dressing her in pink and ruffles as long as I can get away with it.
And the other good news is that I finally got a phone call from the head of the hospital's cardiology department in response to my letter of complaint about that doctor at my stress test. He phoned my cell while I was driving to work on a Monday morning, and I pulled over and spoke with him for nearly a half hour. It seems that the woman who was so unprofessional with me is, in fact, a cardiologist, not simply a technician as somebody had suggested she might be, and I am not the first to complain about her behavior. I gather that the witchy woman will be called upon the carpet and disciplined in some manner. My caller also told me that the test was not so inconclusive as the witch would have had me believe, and after he gave me his interpretation of the results, I decided to have an angiogram. Which I did on December 5.
And lo and behold, what did he find during the angiogram, but that my left anterior descending coronary artery (aka the widowmaker . . . horrors!) was 80%-90% blocked.

~drawing from http://www.drarunmehra.com/anginapg.htm
He put in two stents . . . first a littler one and then a bigger one . . . something happened in there after the first one was put in place that made a second A Very Good Idea. The result is that my heart is now able to move the oxygenated blood back out instead of having it accumulate in there like a filling Zip-loc bag. It is a wonderful thing to be able to take a deep breath. It is a wonderful thing to not "lose my breath quickly." It is a miracle to breathe at will and not feel as if I'm climbing a ladder, reaching for my next breath . . . with that breath two rungs above my clawing hands. I'm awfully glad I wrote that letter of complaint.
There you have it.
Good news and more good news.
I am a grateful woman.
Sounds like the Best of news twice!
A new baby! How very exciting for you. Babies are such blessings on families and I'm happy you found out in a special way.
And I'm happy to hear your heart procedure went so well. Wow, glad you pushed for more info and had the procedure.
All will make for a very happy holiday! cheers, jj
Wonderful news. Breathing is such a good thing. I am so glad to hear that you are feeling better. Sometimes it pays to complain--especially when you are int he right.
Congratulations on the new baby about to enter your life. Babt knitting isso much fun.
Terrific news! Congrats on both counts.
Wonderful news on both counts!
Wow.. and WOW! I'm so glad you were able to get a follow up on your complaint. It sounds like the procedure went well but was very necessary. Whew!
And congratulations on the anticipation of a new family member. Such an exciting time.
I'm happy for you on both counts. :)
I love your nephew and his wife. What sweeties. And that doctor, too.
How delightful to share good news and then more good news, and I know you will be a busy bee knitting for the expected little one.
Oh my gosh, I am so horrified by the fact that you learned that your LAD was 80% to 90% blocked after you complained that I hardly know how to respond. Thank God you found this out. Thank God you had the procedure. Thank God you are feeling better. This is just great news.
The news about the baby is great. I LOVE how they told you. That is really special. Happy knitting.
Oh, I hope that first cardiologist is disciplined harshly.
Congratulations on your breathing and your anticipated new great niece. I became a great-aunt two month ago Although I like children, I have never really gushed over them, until now!
and your family sounds a little like mine when it comes to sharing events!
June, I'm so glad to hear about your heart and breathing resolved. You write about it as if you mad a trip to the supermarket. You're a brave one! Congrats on your grand niece as well. Pink frills eh ;)
Congratulations on both counts! I have a great niece who is just as sweet and precious to me as yours is. And to have that blockage fixed is wonderful! All because of a complaint you made. Well done!!
What a wonderful excuse to knit pink frills . Congratulations !
And congratulations , too , on having "won " your second consultation with such excellent results .
P.S. And well done for being so incredibly brave !!!
So happy you will be a great aunt and that your heart is mended..One can't do much if one is winded all the time. I love you blog and all that you write about, you are such a good writer..happy christmas, merry new year and a wonderful week and weeks ahead with lots of good peaceful loving moments to enjoy your new found oxygen..I had a doctor at Kaiser that told me in no uncertain terms i was fat and I could lose my feet to type two diabetes when I complained verbally they never did anything about that fellow, when I wrote a letter to two state boards, I live in one state the mothership is in another I got an apology, you can be sure I never saw that yahoo again, he was terrible, never had any training in a bedside manner or manners for that matter..Who tells a middle aged person who knows she is over weight she is fat and tries to scare them about their feet, I had just fallen and thought I cracked my kneecap? he did and thought it funny to boot, what a yahooooo! But I do take good are of my feet and try to lose weight by healthy eating, but I think in this world some people will ever get that manners really do count, they certainly do! ciao!
I meant to say some people never get that manners do COUNT! There is a way to speak to people in a way that is respectful and kind, I just don't get people who are crude each and everytime you speak to them, really?? Really? I am sometimes blunt but I tell the truth and don't candy coat over the matter, but I am respectful of the person and would never wound them with thoughtless crude comments at all, why do such a bunch of crap, most people have all they can to just get up in the morning if they got any sleep at all, worried about their jobs, lives, food, etc. why be a yahoo! I cannot phathom it...so I try to be respectful and listen and give them some time to vent to me and I try to be kind, we are here only a short time on this terrestrial and why be a brat about it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, it's a good thing your heart is strong now, b/c it will be going pitter-patter at the thought of this new baby in your family!
It almost always helps to take some control over your own medical situation -- question the medical people, understand what's going on, and know what to do. The result is its own reward. Good 4 you.
Thank you for your comment on my blog. I see here that you are facing several milestones in your life. I wish you the very best in both endeavors. Children are the light of our lives and I hope you get to spend some times with this one.
Wow! That IS a lot of good news. Congratulations on your new status as an aunt and on your successful operation.
What? Stents in the LAD! Hope you are recovering well. I was shocked to hear it - now you'll b able to walk in comfort and breathe, breathe, breathe. Sending you healing thoughts. The good news of the coming baby will speed your recovery.
Good news and good news! I'm so happy for you!
My goodness June, I could barely believe it, but, this is fantastic news about your stents and being able to breathe. Thank God, you did that letter - it is a lesson for all of us. I am so awfully pleased for you June.
And the baby! this really is a special time for you isn't it.
Indeed good news and more good news!!
(PS:thank you for your kind words)
Babies and Breath; you are, indeed, blessed!
:) Con-Great-Elations.
Good news and -eventually, after a really scary event, more good news indeed. I'm grateful for you too.
Now get busy with those pink ruffles, you lucky creature!
Good grief, you never said that you had heart trouble. So that’s why you were away so long.
Congratulations on both bits of good news, splendid news, in fact. And as you are ready and good to go for a long time yet, that poor kid had better look out. You’ll be insufferable as a great-aunt! Frilly pink nickers, begad!
Wow and Wow..You started my Sat. morning with some great news.. Merry Christmas
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