This is very slow! Not even 1.7 miles per hour! Oh, why no! It's even slower than that!
When the patient has cried Uncle! and has collapsed onto the gurney behind her, don't dismissively wave one arm and say, "I can't tell you anything from this! It'll go to the main hospital and somebody there will look at it. I can tell you that your tolerance for exercise is very poor."
Do not run your gaze from forehead to feet and back again and say, "Maybe it's just because you're out of shape."
Trust me: a fat person knows that she is fat. She doesn't need you, you angular pointy-chinned witch, to disdainfully advise her of the fact.
I came home and wept with shame.
I will never . . . never . . . ever . . . go through one of those things again.
I'm sorry but I can't stop laughing. I hope you're okay? *giggle snort*
Oh, that's just awful. She IS a witch. You did make a joke out of it, but I felt your pain. Sending you cyber hugs.
if she was trying reverse psychology, it did not work, did it?!
Why not just look her in the eye next time ( I said look , not spit , by the way )and just say , "I may not be be as fit as you , but I'm a whole lot nicer ."
If we'd been meant to walk treadmills , we wouldn't have been given brains .
P.S. Probably better not to stutter when you saying it , though .
I avoid them doctor folks like the plague
Ouch. Feeling your embarrassment.
So sorry that you had to go through that. Sounds like the person administering that test needs to be re-schooled in bedside manner (or maybe just in manners).
Seriously?! That's absurd. And, rude. You wouldn't be taking a stress test in the first place if you were in perfect condition. I've taken those tests, twice, and never encountered anything even remotely like this. The woman needs a new job.
Yes, this is why I do not do mammographies, gyn visits or the multitude of other "routine" exams. (Although after much nagging I did have the routine colonoscopy this year. Amazing when others have issues, they insist that you must have the same health issue, too. NOT!) And for the record, my brother is a cardiologist.
I am so sorry. I would find a different doctor. I have.
Oh dear June, is this a routine test one is told to have there? or is there an existing problem?
I have never had nor been offered a treadmill stress test and I'm middle-aged and er 'quite' rounded.
The bony witch indeed. Hmmph!
I hope you're well though.
That really happened to you? Disgraceful. I do so hope you are going to complain....
Last time I saw my regular doctor, it was right after Husband's heart attack and so I was feeling a little paranoid. The doctor asked if I wanted to take a stress test. I asked him if he thought it was a good idea, and he said, "Well, the risk factors are there..." I used to smoke, I used to drink, I'm overweight. So he signed me up. I would have been closer to okay if they'd let me start out more slowly, I think. It was "lie down for ten minutes while we check your resting heart rate, then jump up and start walking at a good clip!" I'm not sure I could have done that when I was still waiting on tables!
My doctor weighs about 90 pounds and is always telling me to lose ten pounds. I do want to just slap her sometimes. needing to lose ten pounds is not that big of a deal...okay, I have not done it yet, but still.
I remember your Husbands heart attack time well June, it was a worrying time. Thanks for the background, it made things a little clearer. You are thought of very fondly and its good to know there is nothing wrong so to speak.
Shakespeare suggested killing all the lawyers. Maybe we should give doctors the same treatment! Altho' whenever I've had a test like that, there's only been a medical technician in the room; the doctor consults later. Maybe so they can collect their thoughts.
WTF? Bedside manner of a stapler. Sorry June, that must've been just awful. :-(
Now there is the best solution. Avoid those yucky med. tests all together. Especially if you aren't "much of a walker". You did make me laugh.
Do these people get a kick out of humiliating people? In the wrong job, I'd say ....
June, please don't let some moron with a medical degree dissuade you from testing that is important to your health.
A while after Frank had his heart attack, he had to do one of these tests, also. He wrote about it at the time with a bit of self-deprecating humour but it was a hellacious test to go though. He just had kinder folks administering it.
I like SmitoniusAndSonata's suggestion. This doctor might be a heart specialist, but she sure doesn't know what it's like to have a heart. Hugs to you.
Should have asked her if she was born that rude or did she train. Stops them every time.
Very funny! My sister went for a medical check up and the Doctor (whose name was Dr Chuchu) apologised or rushing the consultation but explained that she needed to leave early to get to the train station.
Anna May Mangan x
Totally rude, totally inappropriate!
Strange how one can appreciate the humour when it happens to someone else else. I thought your account was hilarious whereas I didn't appreciate it at all when it happened to me.
You need to change doctors - pronto!
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