Sunday Scribblings offers the prompt Pilgrimage, asking: "Is there something you'd like, in your lifetime, to go far to see?"

I would go far...
to see my cottage on a winding small road in the Loire Valley, with one door, one window to each side, windowboxes massed with exuberant red flowers. It is the cottage where I lived in imagination when I was a student of la belle langue.
It is there, and it is mine.
If I saw it, and touched its sun-scented warm stone walls, it would know me.
I do hope you get to spend time in your special cottage. What a beautiful dream!
This sounds very much like my dream.
I hope you someday find your cottage. Beautiful idea.
How lovely!
Beautiful! This cottage offers much -
I'm having a lot of fun with the letter meme!
Your letter is 'S'
I can't wait to see your answers.
i often imagine that there are pockets of the world unseen to me... a whole other world that i want to know. you capture this feeling simply. perfect.
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