I love books. I really love used books. I have a favorite bookstore where I can load up armsful for $15, and I have a friend who regularly donates to my collection. Yesterday she gave me a shopping bag full of Michael Connelly and David Baldacci and Stuart Woods novels. Not Grayt Litrachuh, but hours of pleasure for me.
With all this used-book harvesting, my bookshelves have gotten a little...untidy. This is not a before picture; it is a midway picture because I needed an excuse to take a break.

All those things have been there for years and I'm sick of looking at them.
And the books were all at odd angles and the pictures I had placed artfully among the books were getting knocked askew by the new acquisitions.
This morning I hauled out the stepstool and got upanddown and upanddown and upanddown.
I am satisfied.
The Nelson DeMille books are all together again, as are the Susan Howatch books, and the Peter Mayle books, and on and on.
The self-help books went on a top shelf. I'm tired of reading about how to help myself instead of just doing it. If I need inspiration, they'll be there.
Husband's Foxfire books and "Carrots Love Tomatoes"-type books are on another top shelf. If he wants them he can climb up there.
The cast-iron Hampshire pig is a bank and it stayed right where it was because it weighs as much as my left leg.
The hundred thousand National Geographics in their sleeves didn't move either. I don't know why I keep them except that when I was growing up everybody kept their National Geographics. We never take them out and read them. Maybe they'll be a collector's item someday.
The framed art on the chair to the left...well, tomorrow's another day.
I love books too, although I've been pretty good about using the library lately. If I find a book I know I'll treasure, I have to buy it.
I like the after picture...looks like a shot from a magazine.
A shot from a magazine!
Excellent! Thank you!
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