It's probably as much a wish to retire as it is a wish to move.
I have once again been looking at online real estate listings,
more or less in the Knoxville general area.
The prices for houses amaze me.
more or less in the Knoxville general area.
The prices for houses amaze me.
These places would be listed here for half again as much!
Imagine waking up in this aerie room, and not being in a vacation rental!

This view would make me feel right at home.

A real honest-to-God, hand-hewn log cabin! I wonder how long it would take before I got worn out with brown walls everywhere.
But doesn't it look cozy?

Even this one....tiny, tiny, is just so dang cute!

It looks a lot like the replica cabin at Davy Crockett's birthsite!

I'm about to reveal some of my stereotyped "moving south" worries.
Call it ignorance if that's what it is, and feel free to enlighten me.
These are the things that worry me:
...that I wouldn't be social enough, girly enough.
...that I wouldn't be God-fearin' enough.
...that I might be a tad too politically left-leaning.
Can a woman born and raised in "one of the most liberal regions in the United States" find happiness in a dark pink state?
1 comment:
I survived living in the bible belt for 26 years, Darlin', although admittedly Houston is a great deal more liberal than most of Texas. There are three kinds of women living in the south--the Southern Belle aka the Georgia Peach, all taffeta, magnolias, and mimosa. The Sweet Potato--good as gold, has plenty of grit and grace, very adept at rolling up her sleeves. And the transplanted Yankee Woman--bless her heart--she just can't help it. Don't sweat it--as long as you are respectful of the feelings and opinions of others, welcoming, and have a tongue made of steel (when the urge to bite it arises), you'd be just fine. On the other hand, PLEASE DON'T GO!! Don't leave me up here all by myself!
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