I wasn't ready to be out and about this morning when it was time to leave for a hair appointment. I needed more coffee. But strong and hardy as I am I forged ahead with the chores: having my head washed and cut and dried; returning library books (and despite my best intentions, bringing home yet more! when I have a dozen unread on my shelves); grocery shopping.
On the next-to-last lap homeward I saw proof that spring intends to come this year: three hen turkeys crossed the road and clambered up the brushy, snowy bank. I stopped the car to watch them. It's been a long time since I saw anything other than crows and hawks alive and moving outdoors, and I just needed to look. The poor girl in the lead was traveling (or not) about as well as I do in deep snow. With every step her feet sank down to her knees and she made poor progress. She appeared to rethink the route and turned toward the road again, but her sisters were in her way. They were in consultation when I went on; I didn't need to be part of their problem.
I guess I lied when I said it's been a long time...
Yesterday morning on the way down the hill, a deer, much smaller than it should be at this time of year, hurried a quarter mile ahead of me. Instead of heading off into the woods on either side, it loped straight down the road: odd. I got a little closer and saw it wasn't a deer; it was a young coyote, small as one of its western cousins, its coat not fully fluffy and brushy.

photo from Wolf in Coyote's Clothing
The little guy stayed right on the road to the bottom of the hill and then made a left to travel east on the paved two-lane state route. It's coyote breeding season. I'm thinking he had moved a little far afield from home in search of Love, and was taking the most direct route back . . . or to the next willing female.
Sure, it's sleeting right now . . . but it's all the way up to thirty-one degrees! ...and if the animals know spring will come, I will trust them.
Hope Springs eternal!!
Our quail family made an appearance yesterday...about 20 of them at the end of our driveway, and our resident pheasant is still strutting around. The frost is still on the ground, but they know spring is coming.
The coyote are absolutely gorgeous! I know they are waiting for it to get warmer...you gotta have hope!
Optimism is a great trait to have!And hope and of course we know that Spring will really come sometime albeit not as soon as we would like.
Here in Northeast Wisconsin we missed the big storm that seemed to hit almost all the rest of the country except the West. It has been cold but now milder for two days. Spring does not usually hit here until April.
I would like to add something I saw in the funnies yesterday when Family Circle had a good one for once. Little kid says he liked mittens better than gloves because then his fingers got to stay together. I don't know why, but I liked it.
Beautiful animals to be able to see, you are blessed it seems with the wild life you have around you. I only ever see squirrels and birds and the odd fox, as all the foxes are in more built up areas now.
I have buds on the rohododendrens, and wild cyclamen...........its not to say we wont have more snow though, still early days.
So wonderful for you to be able to see and enjoy these critters. I hope you're right about spring.
Judging from the raucous jeering , shoving and showing off by all the young male ducks on the river round the corner , you're right . Spring's on its way .
I saw some skunk cabbage in a small, thawed, sunlit pool in January! Spring can't beheld back!
" . .I have a dozen unread on my shelves . ."
Just 12? ;P
I tell my son who was born this time of year, that the Titmouse and Cardinal start practicing their spring songs in February.
Something starts to stir in all our hearts with the stronger light.
I love coyotes and wolves. They look like a healthy pair. Beautiful colours! I've only heard them calling to each other in the night once and I loved it. I would love to fall asleep to that sound every night - provided all my critters were safely tucked away for the night.
OK, I believe you; here we have been having gale force winds and I can't see anything staying still for long enough to see if it is moving?
Got it? Thanks for the explanation, the answer is very rude? Have I finally understood?
Also, before I forget, Thank you so much for that lovely phrase you left in your comment on my blog.
I have a habit of doing what you advise me not to do, but I shall try to listen to your wise counsel.
As my realtor said, when I commented that until my icicles over the front doors were less than two feet, no viewing in my future, "Oh, you worry too much. All this will be done by July fourth." Enjoyed your post a whole lot.
Woot-woot! February is also skunk breeding season. *cough* :)
I just commented to my husband that I haven't seen any animals in the last couple weeks. Does that mean we aren't having spring anytime soon? Also, it's impossible to go into a Library and not come out laden with new reading material. If I absolutely feel I can't bring anything more home, I have to use the outdoor return bin and not go inside.
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