Out The Door topcoat for nails.
I'm old; I've tried a lot of these things. This one works. Dries fast, dries hard, lasts. You can get it on eBay or elsewhere online. One caveat: make sure the polish underneath is good and dry because once it's sealed underneath Out The Door, it has no chance to dry and harden.
Whatever you use to clean stainless steel pots with cooked on stuff and the grills on your gas range or the drip pans on your electric range, or the barbecue grill, throw it away and start using spray on oven cleaner. Put the dirty things in the sink, spray 'em down and let 'em sit overnight. Then put 'em right in the dishwasher or wash them by hand the next day. This is one of the many lessons I took from working in restaurants.
You know those nice cast iron steamers for the tops of wood stoves? They look like this...

...and cost the earth. I got one on eBay for cheap because the seller said it was all yucky from having steamed potpourri in it. It arrived all crusty and coated with . . . perma-residue. Oven cleaner and the dishwasher made it all shiny and new.
I've raved about Wool Wax before, but it's so good for winter hands that here it is again. I put it on before I load wood into the wood wagon and it somehow keeps me from getting splinters. (I don't use gloves because I have to feel what I'm doing.)

Two weeks ago I got my hair cut. I have stopped using hair color, probably haven't used it for a year. My hair is nicely salt-and-peppered and I like it. So that day the hairdresser says to me, she says: It's time to start using purple shampoo. You're getting that platinum, and purple shampoo will keep it from discoloring and turning yellow.

Here's my all-time favorite: a real winter necessity.
I call it Husband-With-Tractor-Attachment.
I have and use two of your favorites just the way you do, June...Easy Off and a Husband-With-Tractor-Attachment!!!
AHHH, out of all the products, the Hubby is the best!
The pot is beautiful...glad it cleaned up well for you!
I have used Out the Door topcoat before, our local CVS carries it. Great tip about the oven cleaner. Thx.
thanks for the grill and oven tips! :o)
You are not old.
The only one I've tried is the hubby with tractor attachment. Mine is eager for any opportunity to use heavy equipment...even when a shovel is a more appropriate tool.
Blindingly sparkly sounds good . In fact , on a dark , grey , blustery Friday , I'd be happy with sparkly!
I love the idea that the old Blue Rinse is now hip-and-happening purple , perhaps I should buy a case of it ?
S&S...I've thought seriously of getting some of that blue rinse...
Wonder if I'd look like a little blue-haired old lady? I'm not sure I would mind that...
I had never even heard of wood wax.
I don't paint my nails, but I have used the purple shampoo--great price from Avon--so I'm glad to know about that. I soak my oven and grill things in the bathtub over night, then turn on the shower.
Oh, Easy-Off, huh? Who knew? And Wood Wax - oh my gosh, I'm headed out now to stock up!
Thanks for the suggestions. ;)
Hey! Thanks for the shout-out, June. *smile*
I'll definitely check out a few of the things on your list. I've been ignoring the state of my oven for a while...I think I'll try that Easy Off on it.
P.S. I'm with Justina - you're not old.
P.P.S. I use purple shampoo everyday to keep my colour from turning brassy. I get mine from hoity-toityville (a phrase I love and borrowed from Kate at Confessions of a Country Girl) So, it's not as inexpensive as the one you found. I use Aveda's Blue Malva, should enquiring minds want to know.
Love the picture of the snow and husband and tractor. He seems to be making a good job of digging you out.
That last one made me laugh out loud. I have a landlord with tractor attachment - he's young, strong, and I don't have to feed him ;)
Does purple shampoo work on aging blonde locks, I wonder?
People! People! It's WOOL wax, not Wood Wax...as in lanolin from sheeps' wool.
Although....y'know....I bet it be a great furniture polish, too! ;-P
Carolynn, you're welcome. Thank you for the inspiration!
Husband does a superb job at digging us out. It's taken him a few years to accumulate all the appropriate accessories...the Carhartts complete outfit, the snowmobile helmet to keep his head from freezing...but he blows out the whole front yard. That way, when the wind blows it doesn't all drift closed again. And the dogs love it...gives them room to move around enough to keep things moving, if you get my drift...
Pauline, I forgot to say...yes, it's supposed to be good for keeping "aging blonde locks" bright and shiny. Hop to it, woman!
Much thanks to you for giving such significant information.Thank you for taking the time to explain this.
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